Monday, October 17, 2005

The Blame Game


I've read much on-line grousing about the lameness of the promo to last week's Lost, which featured the heretofore Korean-only speaking Jin speaking English in an impeccable American accent. Turns out that it was naught but a dream sequence--Jin can't speak English after all(that we know of!). The grousing I've read centers around the lameness of the teaser, which I'm totally with. But the blame seems to be directed primarily at the Lost creators, which, if my rudimentary TV production knowledge is right, is unfair. I'm pretty sure that the network puts together the promos, not the show's producers. So it's ABC that ran with the misleading promo, not Lost. And, lame promo aside, the Jin-English moment was kind of cool and creepy, and very evocative of a dream. No dirty pool here. At least, not from Lost.

Until Whenever

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