last year, one of my twin daughters mocked a handicapped kid at school, grabbed a bunch of
boys’ crotches and laughed about it, called a classmate fat, said “you
have to treat the teachers like shit,” stood up in the cafeteria and
loudly said that Muslims should not be allowed to attend her school until “that whole thing can be sorted out,” told a teacher she
couldn’t grade her essay fairly because she was “a Mexican,” said that
if other schools didn’t have good sportsmanship during football games we
should assassinate their families, called kids from Paterson rapists,
lied about how dangerous the hallways were, called a fellow student who
put one of her friends in the hospital a “passionate guy,” told a
teacher who needed to pump breast milk on her lunch break “disgusting,”
told a teacher she should shut up because she was probably on her
period, spent MONTHS telling anyone who would listen that the principal
was probably not born in the US and should not have his job, lied about
giving money to the bake sale, called a guidance counselor who is part
Native American “Pocahontas,” said that teachers with kids should stay
home and change their diapers, never said a word about all of the love
notes she was getting from the KKK, called a football player who
intentionally drilled an opponent and paralyzed him, “a great player,”
suggested a classmate’s father killed the mayor, told a lunch lady she
should not be allowed to man the cashier because she was not pretty
enough, repeatedly asked the principal why we couldn’t just go to rival
schools and smash windows and set them on fire, said she wished she
could punch classmates who disagreed with her in the face, compared her
sacrificing time to do homework to a classmates’ father who lost a leg
in Afghanistan, insulted more than 200 people at the school, took money
from a bake sale to buy a picture of herself to hang in her room, told
classmates to “watch out for kids from Paterson trying to get into the
school play,” lied about a classmate having made a sex tape, called a
female janitor “Miss Piggy,” and called poor classmates “morons.”
What a scamp.
Oh! And my other twin daughter did a really shitty job of managing her e-mails, so we had her arrested.
What a scamp.
Oh! And my other twin daughter did a really shitty job of managing her e-mails, so we had her arrested.
seems only fair
Cok gzuel Bir site tenku admin
Good reeading
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